The Hawthorne Legacy Book Cover Picture: Make Your Own Instructions

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes Book Cover Picture

Below: Instructions to make your OWN Hawthorne Legacy book cover picture!!

Date: 2-16-25 Post Written By: MK

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The Hawthorne Legacy Book Cover Picture Book Flat Lay By MK By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Make Your Own Hawthorne Legacy Book Cover Picture!!

Perfect activity for anyone!! Students, kids, homeschoolers, adults, anyone!! Use your imagination to add anything you want to your Hawthorne Legacy book cover picture!!

Time: Depends on how much time you have!! Generally 5-20 minutes

Price: If you have all the materials already, free!! If not, from $1.00-$100.00 (depending on how much you choose to buy)

Possible Steps:

(There really isn’t any way to make this wrong, so use your imagination and have fun!!)

  1. Buy/Collect Supples

    Example: Gather book, chess board, coins, dice, and playing cards together

  2. Choose Picture’s Background

    Example: Chess Board

  3. Plan Layout

    Example: Decide where to position the book and supplies in comparison to the background

  4. Lay Supplies

    Example: Place your dice and cards surrounding the book

  5. Take Your Picture

    No need for any fancy photography equipment or lighting (though obviously if you have any, that’s great!!). I took my picture with a standard iPhone

  6. Crop/Edit If Necessary!!

    Example: Crop out any edges/parts you don’t want in the picture

Possible Supplies:

  • The Hawthorne Legacy Book -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: The Hawthorne Legacy Book

  • Chess Board -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Chess Board

  • Money -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Fake Money

  • Coins -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Fake Coins

  • Chess Pieces -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Chess Pieces

  • Dice -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Dice

  • Playing Cards -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Playing Cards

  • Puzzle Pieces -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Puzzle Pieces

  • Scrabble Tiles -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Scrabble Tiles

  • Compass -Use your own or buy now on Amazon: Compass

  • Anything else you can think of!!!!!

Note: These are not links to the EXACT items I used, but similar ones


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